This applet script fields mailto URLs and then scripts Eudora to handle them. This gives you simple mailto handling in versions of Eudora prior to 3.0. Note that Eudora 3.0 supports the GURL AppleEvent, so you can just set it as your mailto helper without messing around with the メEudora GURL Handlerモ.
Installation and Use
Place the メEudora GURL Handlerモ application anywhere on your hard disk. Use the Internet Config application to set it as the mailto helper.
Nothing happens when you command-click on a mailto URL. Try rebuilding your desktop. Make sure you have ICeTEe installed. Make sure you are running Internet Config 1.2. Make sure you have Eudora and the application is called メEudoraモ. Make sure your running Eudora 1.5 (or 2.1) or higher. Make sure you have AppleScript 1.1 or greater installed.
How It Works
The application is in fact a compiled AppleScript with a GURL event handler that scripts Eudora using itユs standard AppleScript interface. The creator of the application has been changed so that it can be set as an IC helper.
If you would like to play around with the AppleScript inside this application, use a type changing utility (such as FileTyper) to set the creator to 'aplt'. You can then drop the application on to Script Editor and edit it. When you are done, set the creator back to 'qEGu'.
The Eudora GURL Handler was originally distributed as a hack on the net and since then we decided to include it with the main Internet Config distribution.